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Antarctica & Tierra del Fuego Explorers map
Antarctica & Tierra del Fuego Explorers map. Explore one of the last true frontiers on planet earth. From penguins, to Sir Shakelton's exploration wreck site, to treks to the south pole, this is a very nice informative map of Antarctica. It includes a gre
Our Price: $18.95

Product Code: 63537

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Antarctica & Tierra del Fuego Explorers map. Explore one of the last true frontiers on planet earth. From penguins, to Sir Shakelton's exploration wreck site, to treks to the south pole, this is a very nice informative map of Antarctica.  It includes a great deal of information regarding every aspect of the continent. The new edition has an improved scale and adds a detailed map of Tierra del Fuego and nearby parts of the mainland on the other side.