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Hawaiian Islands of Maui Molokai Lanai travel map
Hawaiian Islands of Maui Molokai Lanai travel map. This is a two sided map that has Maui on one side at 1:150,000 scale and the cities on Maui at 1:35,000 scale. The other side has Molokai and Lanai at 1:150,000 scale and the cities on these islands at 1:
Our Price: $17.95

Product Code: 86814

Description Size / Specs
Hawaiian Islands of Maui Molokai Lanai travel map. This is a two sided map that has Maui on one side at 1:150,000 scale and the cities on Maui at 1:35,000 scale. The other side has Molokai and Lanai at 1:150,000 scale and the cities on these islands at 1:35,000 scale. This is a very easy to read map.