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Viking Regional Oil Players map - Alberta & SK
Viking Regional Oil Players map - Alberta & SK. This Regional Players map covers the entire Viking formation in Alberta & Saskatchewan. It includes current Viking Disposed Subsurface Crown Land Leases within the Viking Formation. Crown Land is colour code
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Product Code: VIKING

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Viking Regional Oil Players map - Alberta & SK. This Regional Players map covers the entire Viking formation in Alberta & Saskatchewan. It includes current Viking Disposed Subsurface Crown Land Leases within the Viking Formation. Crown Land is colour coded and labelled with the lease holders for companies with more than 2 Townships of holdings. Tier 2 companies with 36 to 72 sections are all represented in the same color. All Broker Held leases are posted in one colour. Also included are the upcoming Land Sale Postings, and the extent of the Viking Basin. The township grid, places, lakes and rivers, parks and native reserves, wells, pipelines, terminals, primary roads and railroads. This map is a great planning tool. There is an inset that shows where the play is positioned in Western Canada. This map comes laminated.