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Cameroon and Gabon Africa Equatorial travel map. Covers the portion just south of Nigeria and Cameroon down to Zambia. Includes Congo, Angola, Zambia, and the Central African Republic. This regional Africa map focuses on road conditions, distances, urban areas, facilities, Gabon
Cameroon and Gabon
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Our Price: $17.95
Cameroun, or Cameroon in French, is one of the most interesting countries in West Africa to visit. The far north has lava outcrops and unusual villages, the centre is excellent agricultural land, and the south is steamy tropical forest. This updated edition is being combined with a separate map of the country of Gabon on the reverse side, to make better use of the paper. Africa Equatorial travel map. Covers the portion just south of Nigeria and Cameroon down to Zambia. Includes Congo, Angola, Zambia, and the Central African Republic. This regional Africa map focuses on road conditions, distances, urban areas, facilities, parks, and attractions. Excellent road map of Gabon including an index of place names, distance chart and an administrative districts inset.