Denmark & Copenhagen Travel & Road map. Denmark is relatively flat, so it is a great place for long distance cycling. The country has the well known Helsingor Castle (Hamlets Castle in Shakespeare), Roskilde Cathedral, the Aldstadt of Odense, the Crane Nests of Ribe and much more to explore. The city side covers most of the urban area, Copenhagen not being a huge metropolis to begin with, with good coverage for hotels, restaurants, even bus stops, pedestrian shopping streets in the city center, important buildings and museums, parks, rail stations and lines, and touristic attractions. The country side is new digital artwork covering the entire country, showing motorways main and secondary roads, as many town names as we could find, touristic attractions, parks, camping areas, and anything else that we felt a visitor might want to see on a travel map. Legend includes roads by classification, Railways, Elevation range, Natural Reserves, Point of interest, Museums, Hospitals, Restaurants, Information Centers, Gas stations, Hotels and much more.
- Size: 28 inches by 4o inches
Scale: 1:450,000 / 1:10,000
