Rome City Destination map & travel guide. Learn about the history and explore some of the most fascinating architecture in the world. The 3D styled drawings provide you with instant identification of famous buildings and landmarks. The reverse side includes regional maps, top attractions, airport diagrams, travel tips, transit maps and an extensive index to streets, cities, neighborhoods, parks, points of interest, museums, monuments, government buildings, subway stations, hotels, and more. Multi language legends are included on each map.
In addition to the easy-to-read map on the front, the back includes: -
Regional map - Points of interest - Airport diagram - Metropolitana map -
Information on transportation, tipping, tourist offices, and more -
Inset map of the Vatican City - Multi-language legend.
Click to see a zoomed in view of this map...
- Size: 24 Inches by 18 Inches
- Scale: 1:9,600
